Club Salud Natural


I am having a problem getting the shaft of a NEMA 17 motor to rotate. I have attached a wiring diagram and the Arduino code provided.  I am using an Arduino Uno with output controls on digital pins 6 and 7. I am interfacing the Uno to a DM320T Driver manufactured by Oyostepper ( I am using a 12V power source for the driver. The motor is described as unipolar/bipolar, 6 wire, 200 steps/rev, 1.2A/phase, 42x48 mm.
I set up the circuit using the DM320 User manual in bipolar mode (I think) with center taps of A and B windings disconnected. The attached diagram shows DIP settings and wiring. I have some electronics background but limited experience with stepper motors. I have successfully used a ULN2003 driver with a NEMA 11 motor and an UNO. I am wondering about a timing issue or wrong motor (200 steps/rev) or defective driver?

I watched the You Tube video on controlling big motors.  It would be helpful to have a layout of a working system.  Please let me know if the diagram is readable-I'm trying new software =Diagram Designer.

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